¿Cómo pintar y decorar una caja de madera?
En primer lugar, vamos a lijar la madera de la caja con la ayuda de una lija. A continuación, damos una primera capa de pintura, cuando esté seca, volvemos a lijar, con una lija extra fina para evitar que se vean las marcas de los brochazos. Repetimos este proceso 4 veces. En este caso, para la decoración de la caja, hemos dibujado un círculo en el centro de la parte superior y posteriormente hemos pegado unas servilletas decoradas, hemos recortado el dibujo y lo hemos pegado con cola diluida en agua, tal y como vemos el efecto es muy similar a como si estuviera pintado.
En el interior hemos pegado un espejo, como vemos en la foto. En primer lugar marcamos con un lápiz el lugar exacto donde queremos colocar el espejo. A continuación aplicamos sobre la madera silicona especial espejos, que la podemos conseguir en cualquier ferretería. En esta ocasión le hemos puesto un borde al espejo, hecho con un encaje de color blanco, que hemos pegado sobre la silicona. También podemos usar cualquier otro de cintas o encajes para hacer el marco.
How to paint and decorate a wooden box?
First, we need to use sandpaper, because we have to sand the wood . Then we give a first coat of paint, when it will dry, sanded back, with extra fine sandpaper. We have to repeat this process during 4 times. In this case, for the decoration, we have drawn a circle in the center of the top and then we put some decorated napkins, we have to cut the napkins and then we glued it, as we see the effect is like if it was painted.
Inside we are going to put a mirror, as shown in the photo. First with a pencil mark exactly where you want to place the mirror. Then we applied over wood an especial silicone used for the mirrors , we can get it at any hardware store. We also have put a frame to the mirror, made with white lace, we've stuck on the silicone. We may also use any other tape or lace to make the frame.
First, we need to use sandpaper, because we have to sand the wood . Then we give a first coat of paint, when it will dry, sanded back, with extra fine sandpaper. We have to repeat this process during 4 times. In this case, for the decoration, we have drawn a circle in the center of the top and then we put some decorated napkins, we have to cut the napkins and then we glued it, as we see the effect is like if it was painted.
Inside we are going to put a mirror, as shown in the photo. First with a pencil mark exactly where you want to place the mirror. Then we applied over wood an especial silicone used for the mirrors , we can get it at any hardware store. We also have put a frame to the mirror, made with white lace, we've stuck on the silicone. We may also use any other tape or lace to make the frame.
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